2017 Canadian Clay Symposium - R;evolution - Tradition - Technology
March 18, 2017 at the Shadbolt Centre for the Arts, Burnaby, BC
If you are headed to this year's Canadian Clay Symposium in Burnaby this month, keep an eye out for the 1959 Airstream trailer. This mobile gallery exhibition FORM; will showcase a select group of Canadian ceramic artists and bring attention to the excellent works of studio potters that are contributing to the field of Canadian contemporary ceramics. Make and Do artists included in the FORM mobile gallery include Katy Drjber, Robin DuPont, Carole Epp and Sarah Pike.
The conference.....
R;evolution – tradition – technology is a one day ceramics symposium which addresses the ways contemporary ceramic artists interact with new digital technologies; as a tool for making work, as content addressed in their artistic enquiry, and as a tool for connecting with their peers and the market. At the same time we investigate the relevance of traditional methods and their role in contemporary society.
In connection with the symposium, pre and post event activities include expanded workshops with the presenters at various locations throughout the province, as well as gallery exhibits within the Lower Mainland.
More information at canadianclaysymposium.com
Conference presenters:
Steven Young Lee, Helena, Montana ( Keynote speaker)
Aaron Nelson, Medicine Hat, Alberta
Jason Walker, Bellingham, Washington
Sunshine Cobb, Sacramento, California
Ruthanne Tudball, Norfolk, UK
Samantha Dickie, Victoria, BC
James Watkins, Lubbock, Texas
Gwendolyn Yoppolo, Oaklyn, New Jersey
Katrina Chaytor, Calgary, Alberta
Simon Levin, Gresham, Wisconsin