NCECA here we come!

Follow along with Mariko Paterson, Jenna Stanton, Katriona Drijber and Carole Epp as they report back on all things awesome (and in particular - CANADIAN) from NCECA. Make sure not to miss out on anything by checking out the Map of Canadian Ceramic artists exhibiting in Kansas City on the website.
There is certain to be some amazing work on display. If you're in Kansas help us out by tagging #canadianceramics on all your photos of Canadian work and Canadian artists that you meet.
And speaking of meeting fellow artists why not stop by John's Big Deck on St. Patrick's Day for a hang out. Make and do members will be there after all the exhibition openings that evening. So stop by, say hi, find out more about Make and Do, meet up with old friends, and make some new ones. Everyone is invited.

Oh and did I mention GIVEAWAYS???!!!
Yup you read that right, we're bringing some lovely wares down south with us and we want you to take them home with you. You must be there to win so mark your calendars!
See you soon!
Safe travels everyone.