introducing...Shane Weaver

Where do you currently live?
Currently I am living in Toronto. I moved here when I was 18 to go to art school and I love it!
Tell us the best thing about that city.
FOOD! I love food. I love having access to everything I need when I need it. I love being able to get around easily without a car and to be able to have access to a multitude of shops and galleries to get the creative juices flowing.
If you didn’t live there you’d love to live…..
Hands down New York City. I love the vibe and the grittiness of the city.
Out side of ceramic art what other types of art/design/fashion etc are you drawn to and does it influence your work?
I am definitely drawn to cross stitching and other needle point work. I draw a lot of inspiration from cross stitch patterns since they are so similar to the 8-bit video game imagery that inspires most of my work.

If you couldn’t be an artist next best job would be:
Working as a Lego sculpture assembler. Best dream job EVER! Other than being a potter of course!
What’s the most ridiculous thing you’ve done in the name of art?
Back in art school I wove a tapestry out of hundreds of gumballs that I pierced using a rusty nail. I probably should have checked to make sure my tetanus booster was up to date before I started...
No cheating what’s the book beside your bed?
Bridget Jones Diary. And no, I am not ashamed!
If you could exhibit your work alongside any artist, alive or dead who would you want to show with?
I would have loved to do collaborative work with Andy Warhal. Or at least just have been one of his Factory buddies.

Name someone everyone should follow on instragram:
@Ayumihorie. LOVE!
Best tip you’ve ever been given on how to be an artist:
Never get a full time job outside of your practice. The first few years out of school are going to be hell but with a lot of hard work and blood, sweat, and tear things do get easier. Just stay in the studio and make, make, make!

Favorite thing to listen to in the studio:
I listen to a lot of audio books. Its a great way to combine "reading" and working. That or Britney Spears haha
Creative blocks? How do you fix them?
I go to the gym. Its my alone time that is just for me. Its routine and I can think. I also take 20 minute showers multiple times a day. The water helps me think.
Do you have a super power? If yes what? If no what super power would you choose?
I want to be an X-Men. If I was an X-Men I would be super cool and could fly or control the weather! Plus I would be friends with Hugh Jackman and really who doesn't want to be friends with Hugh Jackman.
One goal, art related or otherwise, that you want to accomplish before you die?
I'd love to have an exhibition at the MOMA of a series of my tile installations. Dream big I say!
Find out more about Shane on his profile page.