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introducing...Heather Braun-Dahl

carole epp

Where do you currently live?


Tell us the best thing about that city.

It's nestled between the ocean and the mountains.

If you didn’t live there you’d love to live…..

We lived in Barcelona for 3 months pre-kids and I keep wanting to go back.

Outside of ceramic art what other types of art/design/fashion etc are you drawn to and does it influence your work?

I have always tag-teamed ceramics with painting, and sometimes dream of just being a full-time painter. I think my use of colour and composition come from my background in painting.

If you couldn’t be an artist next best job would be:

That is tough. I spent my whole life wanting to be an artist and not the teacher everyone thought I should be, but I might be inclined to teach in some capacity.

What’s the most ridiculous thing you’ve done in the name of art?

I designed a dress out of carpet underlay for a 2nd year sculpture project/ fashion show.

No cheating what’s the book beside your bed?

I recently read 'Book of Negros', but for a light read before bed I usually have the latest 'Uppercase' Magazine to look through.

If you could exhibit your work alongside any artist, alive or dead who would you want to show with?

Haven't really thought about this one actually. I think there are a lot of amazing ceramic people I would be proud to have my work beside in a show...

Name someone everyone should follow on instagram:

Best tip you’ve ever been given on how to be an artist:

You don't have to, nor should you, show anyone what you are working on until you are ready.

Favorite thing to listen to in the studio:

Sufjan Stevens. So depressingly good.

Creative blocks? How do you fix them?

I don't get creative blocks, but I do find myself tired particularly if my creative energy is zapped by something that is less fulfilling then it should have been.

I have to be incredibly protective of my creative energy because I do realize I only have so much. If I have a 'block' it's because I'm tired or stressed, so keeping tabs on how much I say yes too and how I organize my time is really important to me.

Do you have a super power? If yes what? If no what super power would you choose?

I wish I had a super power and I wish it was to be able to beam anywhere in the world whenever I wanted to visit some place.

One goal, art related or otherwise, that you want to accomplish before you die?

My biggest goal is to create an art practice that is sustainable, that can thrive in new opportunities, and that reaches an audience in a meaningful way.

Find out more about Heather and her work on her profile page.

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