introducing... Krystal Speck

Where do you currently live?
Hamilton, ON
Tell us the best thing about that city.
Hamilton is a creative hub. Hamiltonians are humble, warm-hearted and super supportive of local arts and culture. It’s also wonderfully contrary, full of hard-working, entrepreneurial types but very chill at the same time.
If you didn’t live there you’d love to live…
Anywhere in Scandinavia!

Outside of ceramic art what other types of art/design/fashion etc are you drawn to and does it influence your work?
Textile surface patterns have always been a strong influence on my work. I love looking at folk embroidery & fashion from Eastern Europe. Botanical paintings and contemporary floral design are always great sources of inspiration, as well.
If you couldn’t be an artist next best job would be:
Probably some combination of a botanist/florist/herbalist.

What’s the most ridiculous thing you’ve done in the name of art?
Gone into major debt?! (cue maniacal laughter….and tears)
No cheating what’s the book beside your bed?
Dragonfly in Amber! (Diana Gabaldon, Outlander series)
If you could exhibit your work alongside any artist, alive or dead who would you want to show with?
At the moment, Christi Belcourt.

Name someone everyone should follow on instragram:
I know you’re all following Tortus Copenhagen already so I’d recommend @Floriangadsby (Florian Gadsby, Potter) for amazing studio process shots and @Mirdinara (Dinara Mirtalipova, Illustration) for your daily dose of colour and pattern!
Best tip you’ve ever been given on how to be an artist:
Just keep going. It is the easiest and the hardest thing to do.
Creative blocks? How do you fix them?
Just go to bed. Or ask yourself: “Have I eaten yet today?” Or pick up another task. Then go back into the studio with fresh eyes and a full stomach.
Do you have a super power? If yes what? If no what super power would you choose?
Sadly I do not, unless making messes count! But if I did have one, it would have to be time travel. I need to go back in time and live in different eras (with the ability to escape the moment I tire of having no running water).
One goal, art related or otherwise, that you want to accomplish before you die?
To one day move to the woods and live off-grid...hopefully have some chickens and goats, and host art workshops & food gatherings so people still come to visit me.
Check out more of Krystal's work on her profile page.