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introducing Kalika Bowlby

carole epp

Where do you currently live?

Golden, BC

Tell us the best thing about that city.

I am surrounded by the stunning Rocky Mountains and three National Parks. It is incredibly beautiful and access to wild, untouched wilderness is out my front door.

If you didn’t live there you’d love to live….

By the ocean, crashing waves and sandy beaches.

Outside of ceramic art what other types of art/design/fashion etc are you drawn to and does it influence your work?

I look at a lot of drawing and illustration and spend time drawing when I am not in the ceramic studio, some of which gets transferred onto the ceramic surface. I also have a real love for furniture design and architecture, which directly influences how I think about shape and form in the studio.

If you couldn’t be an artist next best job would be:

Farmer or baker. Outside of the studio I spend most of my time in the garden or kitchen. I am a real vegetable and bread nerd. And I also think both would still give me that quiet, reflective time I get when I am in the studio.

What’s the most ridiculous thing you’ve done in the name of art?

I have never done anything really crazy but I do sacrifice a lot of sleep in the name of art.

No cheating what’s the book beside your bed?

Every Man Dies Alone by Hans Fallada, it just happens to be the novel I am currently reading. I struggle falling asleep most nights and reading helps me relax. I read for at least an hour every night, always fiction. I love to get great fiction recommendations!

If you could exhibit your work alongside any artist, alive or dead who would you want to show with?

Picasso's ceramics, Lucie Rie, Nathalie Lahdenmaki, Julian Stair, Mark Pharis....there are so many!

Name someone everyone should follow on instragram:

@personalpractice. This feed will inspire you to do anything you have ever felt too reserved to do!

Best tip you’ve ever been given on how to be an artist:

Make work that you love. Make a lot of work.

Favorite thing to listen to in the studio:

Podcasts: 99% Invisible, Design Matters, Fugitive Waves, The Memory many good podcasts! Sometimes I can't imagine studio life without podcasts. I am so grateful for this evolution in radio.

Creative blocks? How do you fix them?

I get outside and exercise and then I keep working.

Do you have a super power? If yes what? If no what super power would you choose?

My super power is organization but I could use another one.....maybe graphic and web design skills and time, more time, it seems there is never enough.

One goal, art related or otherwise, that you want to accomplish before you die?

I just want to keep making work and for the work to continue to evolve.

Find out more about Kalika on her profile page.

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